Press release from the European Attac Network:

European Attac Network in solidarity with Southern European general strike on 14th November

Strong signal of resistance against disastrous European economic policy

On November 14th 2012, a historical joint general strike will take place in six countries in Southern Europe, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy, Malta and Cyprus. At the same time, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has called for an European day of action, in solidarity with these protests.

All over Europe, citizens and unionists will take the street to protest against the destructive austerity policies imposed by their government, under the pressure of the Troika (the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund).

The European Attac Network expresses its solidarity with the strikers, and will actively participate in the mobilizations planned all over Europe. Along with European social movements gathered at the occasion of the anniversary of the European Social Forum inFlorence, we will defend out and loud democracy against austerity.

“The protests on November 14th are a strong signal. It shows that the struggles against austerity are converging towards a real European social movement» says Aurélie Trouvé, the president of Attac France, the first Attac chapter in Europe.

“The crisis and debt are used as pretexts to cut salaries, pensions and public services. But this will further divide Europe and deepen the economic, social and democratic crisis. Real solutions to the crisis thus exist!” says Benedikte Pryneid Hansen, president of AttacNorway.

More than ever, we need a real u-turn in European policies, by tackling the true causes of the crisis, and putting forward real alternatives for an ecological, social and democratic Europe.


The European Attac Network’s seven principles to free our societies from the domination of the financial markets:

1. Remove public finances from financial markets: allow democratically controlled central bank lending directly to governments.

2. Escape from the debt trap: end austerity policies and set up debt audits leading to debt cancellations. Banks and private financial actors need to take their share of losses.

3. Give state finances a sustainable basis: coordinated increase in taxation of wealth and corporate profits to promote tax cooperation with the goal to eradicate fiscal dumping. End tax evasion and implement a “financial embargo” of tax havens.

4. Disarm financial markets and put the banking sector under public control: forbid harmful speculative mechanisms (e.g. high-frequency trading, naked short selling, speculation on derivatives, over-the-counter agreements), and impose a tax on all financial transactions at a rate of at least 0.1%; strictly regulate banks (e.g. separate retail from investment banks, dismantle “too big to fail” banks).

5. Allow public and democratic financing of the economy: build up a public and cooperative banking sector under democratic control, to ensure the financing of social and economic needs, guarantee social rights and finance ecological transition. Trade policies should be revised to adhere to these objectives, in cooperation with developing countries.

6. Europe for the people, not for profits: Promote coordinated set of progressive economic and social policies, and reinstate and expand democratically controlled public services, to reduce imbalances, promote the ecological transition of economies, foster high quality employment, promote gender equality and expand basic social and economic rights (health, education, housing, mobility, food, access to water and energy, information, culture, social welfare etc.) and ensure that they are provided through a publicly owned-network of service.

7. Real democracy now: Engage in a constituent process aimed at democratizing decision-making at all levels; support and promote a public, transparent and accountable debate about visions for Europe and about alternative EU policies.


Attac Norge, Norges Sosiale Forum, Nei til EU, Ungdom  mot EU, Rødt, Rød Ungdom og Motmakt demonstrerer foran Spania og EUs ambassader hhv kl 16.00 og 17.00 i morgen 14. november.