Since WW2 and the era of rebuilding with strong states and financial control, strong forces has been working against “big state” to enforce marketisation of our societies and economies. In the shadows a strong ideological and economic group, Mt. Pelerin Society, has led the charge in inspiring politicians and institutions towards market forces.
The consequences of their working are seen throughout market society taking over the common task of welfare, infracture and natur, to name a few.
The process of financialisation and marketisation is upon us and now we are facing a cost of living crisis. How do we meet them? How do we fight them?
Som en fortsettelse av aktivistsamlingen inviterer vi til åpent debattmøte med den britiske journalisten og kommentatoren Owen Jones og James Medway, tidligere økonomirådgiver for Labour og direktør for Progressive Economy Forum. Ingrid Wergeland fra Tankesmien Manifest vil lede møtet.
– Grethe Thoresen, forbundssekretær i Lokomotivmannsforbundet
– Albert Andersen Øydvin, fra Solidaritet – Studentforeningen for sosialpolitisk arbeid